#67 Dr Rob Verkek and Meleni Aldridge - RESET EATING: Turning What You Eat And How You Eat Into Powerful Medicine
Discussing RESET EATING with Dr Rob Verkerk and Meleni Aldridge from the Alliance for National Health International, an organisation with a mission to promote and protect our right to sustainable natural health around the world – by working with nature, not against it.
In this fascinating conversation we discuss:
Best cooking methods to maximise nutrition
How to minimise anti-nutrients in food
Why focussing on a rainbow of colours is so important
An ancestral approach to diet
The potential dangers of gluten
Much, much more.
***Our wonderful sponsors - https://humanpeople.co/functionalhealth/***
Dr David Unwin Podcast - https://open.spotify.com/episode/5ETrnmjhbkMW6NmaSggdya?si=VKWsUYpsQxinSgFCnVYfoQ
ANHi - https://www.anhinternational.org/
RESET EATING - https://shop.anhinternational.org/collections/e-books
Instant Pot - https://instantpot.com/instant-pot-home/