#15 Rob Lawson - Treating disease with exercise, using and implementing lifestyle medicine for health and why you should become LM certified
Dr Lawson is a medical doctor and conventionally trained GP and is the chairman and co-founder of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine. Among other things, Rob is also the founder of a charity - East Lothian Cardio-pulmonary Rehabilitation Group - which offers lifestyle classes and advice to patients with chronic health conditions. I became aware of Rob through my membership of the BSLM and approached him to share his insight on the future of medicine and his thoughts on the resurgence of using lifestyle in primary care.
“Lifestyle Medicine has been shaped by the natural evolution of Medicine. It is an established approach that focuses on improving the health and wellbeing of individuals and populations. It combines the broad facets of modern healthcare practices with the deeper understanding of being human….It requires an understanding and acknowledgement of the physical, emotional, environmental and social determinants of disease.” BSLM
British Society of Lifestyle Medicine
Edinburgh Clinic
Core Health
Life in 20 Years
East Lothian Cardio-Pulmonary Rehabilitation Group